

New Articles – one in Short Fiction in Theory & Practice – about the relationship between short stories and various things, including universities, drama and film, and it discusses work by Lorrie Moore, Raymond Carver and others. The article is ‘Short stories in the academy: Mimesis, diegesis and the role of drama and film’ and is in Vol 2 Issues 1 & 2.   

New Writing Vol 10 Issue 1 – all about those first images that mean so much to writer and reader when it comes to novels – not least The Book of Guardians. The publishers have kindly made a limited number of free e-prints available from their site – see here  The article is called ‘Writing and dreaming primary and primal scenes’ – to take a brief look to see what it’s about, here’s a summary:Pimary and primal scenes abstract

Versions of these and other articles about writing  – for instance, on adaptation and montage, and on the relationship between writing and memory – can be read here

Here is a brief article written on visiting a conference of US writers in Washington DC, including some thoughts on Raymond Carver. Tributes and Testimonies


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